Friday, December 7, 2012

Jounal Entry

Dec 9th, 5:25pm, 2007, Sunday

I  drew a picture of my left hand, do to the fact I seen an aura on my 3rd finger.  I watched a show today about Indigo children and Psychics so I don't know if its in my mind, but I am sure it is real, it was strange it kinda started dull and then it kinda got stronger, then went out, then it came back, in a similar way and went back out.  It had done that a few times, it was like I was letting myself see it. I am not sure how to explain it. I know it was green, am not sure what green means but it was cool. I don't know if I am physic, pretty sure I'm not. But, I believe I attuned at some level with something. "If only they did a show with people who saw signs" I believe we all have an inner eye. I think that its true, its not as strong as others, but its there like the sun and the moon, the God and the Goddess, yesterday and today. Blesssed Be!!