Friday, December 7, 2012

Jounal Entry

Dec 9th, 5:25pm, 2007, Sunday

I  drew a picture of my left hand, do to the fact I seen an aura on my 3rd finger.  I watched a show today about Indigo children and Psychics so I don't know if its in my mind, but I am sure it is real, it was strange it kinda started dull and then it kinda got stronger, then went out, then it came back, in a similar way and went back out.  It had done that a few times, it was like I was letting myself see it. I am not sure how to explain it. I know it was green, am not sure what green means but it was cool. I don't know if I am physic, pretty sure I'm not. But, I believe I attuned at some level with something. "If only they did a show with people who saw signs" I believe we all have an inner eye. I think that its true, its not as strong as others, but its there like the sun and the moon, the God and the Goddess, yesterday and today. Blesssed Be!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Journal Entry

This is a Journal entry from when I first started my Book of Shadows. These Journal entry's are from my earlier days when I first started practicing. I will also start posting "New Experiences", things that are happening now.

December 2007, Thursday, 3:49pm, the 6th
  Here I am laying on my bed thinking of Wicca and books, eating one of the Christmas tree cakes that come in a box. I just got done reading and putting stars by a list of books in one of Scott Cunningham's books, and figured its time to start my own Journal of me and my path into Wicca. I suppose I should start with how I got started but at the moment I am getting distracted so ill save it for next time. Blessed Be for Now!!

Dec 2007, Thursday 11:36 pm the 6th

  Before I start I had this feeling like a knowing feeling, that the oven was on and I was right..... weird kinda. I also wanna jot real fast  while i remember I'm seeing signs. Signs that something with a heart is gonna happen. Usually when I see a sign  or get a feeling I'm not too far off. I usually know the main thing it involves like fire, or a break in. I just don't know what it may resolve in. Well I'm off for not to think how I may explain better later. "Yes" I know I still need to finish the first but it will have to wait for another entry. Blessed Be.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This blog is about Wicca, Paganism, and my Journey through it. Recently, I have become or have been studying and learning from a new local Pagan group. Since, becoming part of the group my Wiccan ways have, in sense become more into the surface, I had kinda taken a side step of for awhile in my practices. I had not completely taken a side step, but a slight of one. Now that I have started too again become completely into it again, I find that I am "Me" again in a sense.